"Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar"
"Walker, there is no path, path is made by walking"
- Antonio Machado

Friday, October 2, 2015

Life is a Trip: From Santiago de Compostela to Puerto Rico


          When Judith Fein describes el camino, it is impossible for me not to think in my Puerto Rico. Especially when she starts describing this part of el camino, los hosteleros, which help the pilgrims by showing the way, giving directions and helping with food or water for nothing in exchange. Fein start to think about how this is a very important part of el camino that may not be seen by everyone, that are so focused on the pilgrims.

            Like this, I feel that we in our daily camino may not be appreciating a very important part of our journey, the little things. Little things that I found very often in Puerto Rico and make me proud to call this my home. For example, the other day I was on the highway and a car broke down and was causing a traffic jam. Just before I could see the problem three guys got out of a car and help the person push the car to the emergency lane. Now this may sound like a little thing, or something normal, but not everyone and certainly not in every place people do this. Like in el camino with los hosteleros, I found Puerto Rico to be a warm happy place that, even with high criminality and economic problems, people help and care about each other. People try to make you feel welcomed no matter what, making little things that not everyone may notice but that together make this La Isla del Encanto (the island of Enchantment).

1 comment:

  1. "People try to make you feel welcomed no matter what, making little things that no everyone may notice but together make this La Isla del Encanto". Excellend description of Puerto Ricans.
