"Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar"
"Walker, there is no path, path is made by walking"
- Antonio Machado

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Blog journey

I created this blog for the purpose of analyze different text in a different, deep, reading-the-subtext way. Throughout this blog journey I have written about me, my goals, different authors and even outside the classroom experiences we have had. I was really dubious about this project at first. I’m not the type of sharing my experiences in a blog type of guy. But it grows in you. At first, writing about me and my puertorricanness, I was shy, but being able to write about what I feel of my country and my traditions was kind of satisfying. Then to judge the tone of Carl Jung, I had to deepen my thoughts to get a glance of what he might’ve felt in that strange country and to connect his feeling to mine, at the other side of the globe. Seeing different aspects of life as perception of self, identity and the sense of belonging in my own life, I was able to understand how Naipaul brought novel characteristics to his life and how it was relatable to the Puertorican culture in which this is very common. But the turning point, as I called the post, of the blog writing came with the autobiography project in which I had the opportunity to talk about something that happened to me that I had never told anyone. Opening up that space enlightened what writing was for me and made it something more than just putting up words to finish the job.  To conclude this transformative journey through a blog we could see how it feels to be othered by being tourists of some sort, getting to feel the other side of the culture we live in and reinforcing the perception of self we might’ve had. Writing about something more than books opened a different window in my perception of writing, I hope you enjoyed the ride.

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