"Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar"
"Walker, there is no path, path is made by walking"
- Antonio Machado

Monday, September 28, 2015

Where I’m Going

I was born in Puerto Rico and raised in a magnificent family of 5. Being part of a relatively large family for the times we live in was quite fun, even though being the little one was not. Not the perfect kid and not the perfect situations but I wouldn’t change anything because that led me to be the man I am today, full of ambitions and goals and with no intentions of quitting.

            From here I plan to go to the whole world if I can. I plan to go to Europe and Alaska this summer and to Vegas if money let me. I would love to go back to Argentina and visit the Iguazu falls, or to Egypt to stare at the pyramids. Japan, Spain, Italy, Germay, Switzerland, Iceland, New York and I could keep on going but I wouldn’t finish. I dream of traveling the world, getting to know different cultures, eat different kinds of food and finding out who I, as human, am and will end up to be.  

            As part of my path I plan to become a health professional. Career that I would love to fulfill at the same time as my traveling goal, being able this way to help people all around the world, and in this way getting to know parts of society that not everybody would be able to see.

            Through all this I cant forget art. I couldn’t do any of this without music, which I can hear whatever genre there is, well almost all of them and be the kind of guy that screams a song from the bottom of his throat. Reading books, which I hope I’m able to read as many as I can before my time’s up and preparing myself a good French press coffee, un café colao negro or a good double latte to wake up.


  1. I liked your idea for traveling the whole world as a health professional. Interesting path your planning. Keep it up, with a good double latte! Ja

  2. I can identify with your traveling goal. Also it is a nice idea to combine it with your other goal of becoming a health professional as medicine is different from culture to culture. Combining them will definitely be an excellent learning opportunity.
