"Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar"
"Walker, there is no path, path is made by walking"
- Antonio Machado

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Superiority in Carl Jung

      Carl Jung travels Africa and finds out, or notices that he is caged inside a thought of the European community as being superior to others. As he travels one can see this as he often use depictive description of non-European people as he encounters himself with traditions he think are a little savage or not civilized. But Jung make a clear analysis of himself and the situation accepting the fact that he is biased and how this unconscious thought is reflected in conscious choices and behaviors.

            As for this bias I think it is a universal one. Every country thinks it is superior to another jus because that’s who you are and you won’t think otherwise. Also this is a very strong learned behavior kids catch up with in almost every aspect of our lives since we root for our country in competitions, prizes and sports, giving root to a sense of superiority. As of myself I say this because here in Puerto Rico we are a very proud country. If there is a boxing match we even put a 3-year-old baby a Puerto Rico hat and shirt and make a whole party if we win. Boxing is just a more common example, but when the Olympic games are on, the World Baseball Classic, the Basketball World Cup, and this are just few of the things were we start thinking of ourselves as superior. I don’t think rooting for your country is wrong because I do every time I have a chance. It just affects people differently depending of your mentality and even in the humblest and open one, unconsciously that proud feeling contributes to a superiority bias.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Where I’m From

The answer depends on who you ask, or the degree of honesty that person has. I could say Puerto Rico, but that’ll just put economic crisis and criminality on your mind. Not that it isn’t true, but just as there are negative things, I’m sure you also think  of vacation, beach and piña colada when you hear Puerto Rico.
Where I’m from people stops to help that one who’s car just broke. Where I’m from you call everybody primo, all your friends cabron and ask everybody la bendicion, even if its not related to you. Where I’m from jugar domino is a requirement in every family party, una medalla becomes ten and your plans on leaving early are never true. Where I’m from people gather to see a boxing fight and if we win the barrio knows it instantly. Where I’m from at least one person in each family drink café con leche and your grandfather may drink café puya. Where I’m from you can’t fight anyone in the streets or you could get shot. You can hear gunshots late at night or maybe a coquí singing a lullaby. Where I’m from people has died just for grabbing someone else beer. Hell people has been killed just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Where I’m from, Christmas is the greatest, longest holidays in the world. Every family prepares coquito, tembleque and arroz con gandulez y pernil. Every house is impregnated with Christmas lights, el nacimiento and a “Dios bendiga este hogar boricua” sign. You can hear a parranda heading your neighbors way, partys are until no one can dance anymore and if you’re 15 years old you can drink a little pitorro to learn how to drink. Where I’m from, as Willie Perdomo say, “Where I’m from, it’s sweet like my grandmother reciting a quick prayer over a pot of hot rice and beans. Where I’m from, it’s pretty like my niece stopping me in the middle of the street and telling me to notice all the stars in the sky.”

            -Inspired by Willie Perdomo’s Where I’m From.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Where I’m Going

I was born in Puerto Rico and raised in a magnificent family of 5. Being part of a relatively large family for the times we live in was quite fun, even though being the little one was not. Not the perfect kid and not the perfect situations but I wouldn’t change anything because that led me to be the man I am today, full of ambitions and goals and with no intentions of quitting.

            From here I plan to go to the whole world if I can. I plan to go to Europe and Alaska this summer and to Vegas if money let me. I would love to go back to Argentina and visit the Iguazu falls, or to Egypt to stare at the pyramids. Japan, Spain, Italy, Germay, Switzerland, Iceland, New York and I could keep on going but I wouldn’t finish. I dream of traveling the world, getting to know different cultures, eat different kinds of food and finding out who I, as human, am and will end up to be.  

            As part of my path I plan to become a health professional. Career that I would love to fulfill at the same time as my traveling goal, being able this way to help people all around the world, and in this way getting to know parts of society that not everybody would be able to see.

            Through all this I cant forget art. I couldn’t do any of this without music, which I can hear whatever genre there is, well almost all of them and be the kind of guy that screams a song from the bottom of his throat. Reading books, which I hope I’m able to read as many as I can before my time’s up and preparing myself a good French press coffee, un café colao negro or a good double latte to wake up.